Ivan Drinchev
Senior Full-stack AI Engineer ( Freelance )
at Nexamind
Creating tailor-made AI solutions with measurable ROI, designed for the unique needs of the business.
Tech stack
NextJS, Tailwind, React Server Components, Langchain, OpenAI, Langfuse
Senior Full-stack React/Node Engineer Team Lead ( Freelance )
at Yahoo!
Modernizing and maintaining Yahoo! Mail, used by over 200 million users. My role was to lead a time of 6 developers with the goal to re-design Yahoo! Mail. My responsibilities included guiding and mentoring developers, actively participating in decision making processes, reviewing Pull Requests and writing code.
Tech stack
ReactJS, AWS, NodeJS and others
Full-Stack Web Developer ( Freelance )
Building the IoT Platform brix2bytes from scratch in a cross-functional teams, including development of applications, UI Library, E2E Tests, NodeJS Backend services with GraphQL
Tech stack
ReactJS, Azure DevOps, Azure Platform, GraphQL, oAuth, Material UI, NodeJS, JEST, Cypress, Terraform, Storybook, Apollo GraphQL
Front-end Web Developer ( Freelance )
at Hey Car
Building and maintaining Hey Car, as well as closed-source UI library and internal applications. Participating in Architectural Decision Recommendations and front-end best practices workshops.
Tech stack
ReactJS, Redux, Mono repo, Server side rendering, GitHub, CircleCI, Kubernetes, Styled Components, NodeJS, React Router, Storybook, JEST, Cypress
Full-Stack Web Developer & team lead ( Freelance )
Building and maintaining React SPA, Open Source Stylesheet styleguide, React UI Library as well as an open source SDK for OSRAM's IoT platform
Tech stack
ReactJS, BitBucket, BitBucket Pipelines, Kubernetes, JIRA, ReactJS, CSS Modules, NodeJS, React Router, Styleguidist, JEST, Cypress, OpenAPI, PostCSS
Freelance Web Developer
More than 15+ years of experience in developing web sites and scalable web applications ( frontend and backend ), deploying them on various hosting providers and delivering maintainable code. Also, I have done consultancy on development architectures, talent seeking and tech infrastructure.
My paid work also includes ReactJS tutoring
Notable Clients